If you wish to transform your life, turn your dream into reality, or change the way you embrace or behave in certain situations, this is the right place to start.
Working on your (career or personal) development can be done in a workshop with a group of participants, or in individual coaching sessions.
What is coaching about?
Setting a goal for yourself and achieving it. Be it developing a project or changing a behaviour. You name it, we work together on it.
As a coach, I am there to accompany you from point A (where you stand now) to point B (where you want to go). So the sessions are goal oriented.
Coaching is about getting to know oneself better, updating one´s behaviours in order to get the best of yourself in any situation.
Channel your energy towards the suitable direction, and keep on track in moments of doubts.
What topics? Hypno-Coaching can help in these areas (and more…):
- Go beyond my limits and fears (I treat phobias as well)
- Gain clarity and drive
- Communicate better
- Lower my level of stress
- Manage better my emotions and communication to gain leadership skills
- Gain self-confidence
- Stop smoking
I deliver Hypno-Coaching sessions, which is a powerfully effective mix of Hypnotherapy and Coaching. I adapt the approach to your situation, your personality and your specific needs.
- Indeed, I use the tools & methodologies that are best suited to each person, depending on what is needed: Coaching tools (NLP, Transactional Analysis..), and Ericksonian Hypnosis.
- A session lasts around 90 minutes. The sessions can be done in my cabinet (10 mn from Paris Gare de Lyon) or on Skype.
- I follow the code of ethics of ICF, the International Coach Federation. All sessions are strictly confidential.
The workshop is about helping participants to lay the foundation for their professional project through the essential questions that give direction to their life and help them make informed choices.
Indeed, having a clear Vision, knowing one´s Values and Passion are crucial to be able to set the foundation of one´s life project.
Then we can develop one´s dream and turn it into reality.
What you get:
Each participant builds one´s “Success Compass” that will be the Evening Star one come back to in times of doubt, as it sets a clear direction.
Likewise, knowing oneself and developing one´s personal resources are central to that work.

“Before attending the workshop, I was confused about the career path I wanted to embrace.
The workshop helped me know myself better, my values, strengths and interests and made it clear for me that my work has to make sense for me.”
Katrin Büchenbacher, Sciences Po Paris